Figure 1: Lyn and Bert Silvester with Emma Quinton/Barton and their first four children. Phot taken at Magilligan in Northern Ireland in July 1921
Figure 2: Lyn and Bert with the children in Lancaster about 1925
Figure 3: Mary and the twins about 1925
Figure 4: Mary, David and the twins about 1924
Figure 5: Mary and David Silvester dressed for a school dance about 1935
Figure 6: The family in Edinburgh in 1941
Figure 7: The family in Edinburgh in 1941
Figure 8: Family group in Edinburgh about 1951
Figure 9: Ann Silvester in 1939
Figure 10: Ann Silvester about 1948
Figure 11: Ann Silvester aged 27
Figure 12: Mary Silvester about 1942
Figure 13: Helen (Betty) Silvester
Figure 14: The marriage of Ann Silvester to Roland Hunter Davies on 9 January 1957
Figure 15: Helen Elizabeth Lichtenberg (nee Silvester)
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